Monday, September 26, 2011

Gossip From Ellacott

I'm sitting at the kitchen table, eating tomato soup ( not Mushroom Tomato, just plain Campbell's) and Abigail is in her crib ( supposed to be napping) talking to herself in a high 'baby' voice. If I could video it I would,  but I'll bet you fifty dollars as soon as I get within 15 feet of her with a camera she wouldn't make a peep. So I'm not even going to try. I think she must be playing dolls with her stuffed giraffe.  But I'm not checking, because she's become adept at keeping an eye on the crack in the door and spots us from five feet out. Then the Nap Chess Match starts all over again. Right now I'm winning and want to keep it that way. 

If I wrote a society column these are the tidbits it would contain:

Guess who has top teeth now? 

I found them while excavating for a hydrangea leaf in the deep recesses of her throat

We've been exploring lots of foods lately, the strangest one being this:

She loved it, flaked off ( not dumped) right out of the can.

Side note: does anyone know why pictures would randomly all come out pink? It's happened to me before and I can't figure it out. This is why no 9 month photo is up. They all came out pink.

We saw a Japanese emperor last week. I promise. Right there in the Target Food Court. As soon as I saw him I knew who he was (reincarnated I suppose, maybe a direct descendant?) Emperor Hirohito, perched sideways on a bench in the food court looking over the wall so all you could see was his chin in his hands.
He he looked like a mix between this:

and this: 

Just watching the world go by. I felt a strong need to walk over and pat him on the head. 
But I didn't. 
Decided that would not be appreciated by someone who must have been an emperor. 

Speaking of Spanky, I was looking through old pictures the other day and decided that Abigail share some genes.
 See. It's definitely there. Maybe. 

Much love to you all, 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a few pictures

Our favorite outfit. For obvious reasons.
Our favorite play area. Well, hers, not necessarily mine. I've been rearranging items every two weeks as she gets taller and more balanced. She's got quite a reach when she's up on  her toes!

Yesterday she managed to 'get aholt of ' both the remote and the video camera. She was thrilled and immediately dropped one so she could work the other. 

After many, many minutes of effort she realized that she couldn't continue to hold both of them and push their buttons at the same time. 
Great frustration followed.

She went down for a nap about 10 minutes ago.
It was quiet back there, so I peeked in the door to see if she was asleep.
Her chubby self  was sitting up in her crib, oh so quietly reaching over her buddha-belly
To pick at the snaps on her diaper cover.

She makes me smile.

Even when she's busy doing this: