Monday, December 24, 2012

I two.

That's what she'll say on a very good day. On a normal day, in response to "How old are you?" she'll say  "I Abigail." which is close, but no banana.
As of December 19th, this is sweet girl is, in fact, two years old. 
She has also had the flu this past week, so when I tried to take pictures, this is the best I got out of four. Yep, just four. That's all she would sit for. Oh well :o0 At least her nose wasn't running at the time.   
Here are the other three.

She is growing like a weed, I can tell because I've been holding her a lot this week and her legs drop down much, much further. It's almost unbelievable how much she's changed this year, the unbelievable part being how much I've already forgotten. It's scary that the memories become a distant blur so quickly. If it wasn't for the quick notes I occasionally jot down there's no way I would have any memories of her second year of life.  Because she has changed so much I'm putting up 12 pictures, one a month, so you can enjoy her change too...what more could one ask for, huh?

She is playing her chapstick, aka kazoo, I think. She started giving us peeks into her sense of humor around one year old, and I love it. She thoroughly enjoys a good joke, especially if it's on her papa.

This picture makes me laugh, because she still does this ( she's doing the laundry). We start 'em young around these parts.  


Bringing in the flowers. Nothing funny to say here. She's just cute.

She grew up a lot from March to April, I can see that as I look back. No, we did not start potty traning in April ( though I wish we's taking long enough now), but she had fun experimenting. She also had fun playing in her birthday suit in the backyard. We did that a lot this past summer, a cute tan resulted. 


She picked up her pacifier the day she was weened from nursing.....and she's kept it ever since. We managed to keep it hidden whie she was  a flower girl in her Aunt Sarah's wedding. I love this last picture. I love my husband and how much fun he has with his little girl. Makes me weak-kneed.
The serious business of blueberry picking requires serious accessories.  

we have no pictures in July. John? Papa? Will? anyone? 

left to right: One of my all-time favorites: Abigial pushing her best-buddy Amelia. Drinking from a 'big' cup. Always take your bike safety seriously: wear your helmet. And last but not least, the value of a well-protected baby doll can never be underestimated.

She grew up a lot from August to September as well. Some of that might be the addition of a new baby, but her hair grew too and that lends an appearance of age somehow.

Clockwise: Proper black walnut picking costume; a hoe-down skunk; good accessories make the outfit (or make up for the lack thereof); and taking care of the baby (she'll lay down and say "baby, tomach, mama. Baby tomach")


She went for her first ever hike over Thanksgiving and loved it (we came back with pockets laden with acorns). She walked at least half of a 2 mile trip, and wanted to carry the backpack for the home stretch. She would fall backwards without extra support. Kind of how the Lord's yoke is light and his burden easy.....

                    I love being with her. She makes me smile, knows how to push my buttons, is growing in understanding every day, and is a delight to know. May the Lord continue to grow her into a woman who loves him wholeheartedly and loves life with abandon.
Happy birthday punkin.

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